Begonia chitoensis Liu & Lai in Li et al. Fl. Taiwan 3:793. pl. 820. 1977
TYPE: Taiwan, Nantou Co.: Chitou (溪頭), Lai 1785 (Holotype, NTUF)
Figure A, Habitat. B, Habitat. C, Habitat. D, Portion of leaf, lower surfaces. E, Staminate flower showing 4 petals and Carpellate flower. F, Androecium and Style. G, Capsule. H, Cross section of ovary.
Note: 本種最大特徵為具有一碩大,廣橢圓形至圓形之背軸翼.不過本種有極大的變異,不管在葉的被毛物及果實背翅,從翅短到中等皆有,也許可細分成變種?.