目前分類:單子葉植物--Liliopsida (13)

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Gastrodia peichiatieniana Ying, Col. Illustr. Fl. Taiwan 2: 690, col. photo 404 (1987, Feb.).Holotype: Mt. peichiatien, Ying S. S. (NTUF)
Gastrodia autumnalis Lin, Nat. Orch. Taiwan 3: 122, cot. photo 65-66 (1987, May). Holotype: Mt. Tatung,10, Oct. 1976, Lin T. P. 392 (TAIF)

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本種最早的採集紀錄應該使於1991年10月初,當時柳重勝博士前往和社地區一片竹林採集所採獲的,並在那次幸運的觀察到花朵,隨後帶回實驗室經過仔細觀察研究,後來比對日本文獻上之圖譜(Hashimoto & Kanda, 1981),發現本種與日本的為同種,即八代赤箭. 而八代赤箭,日名為八代蘭或秋華八代蘭,乃是因為最早於1903年在當時的八代郡被採集到而得名(Maekawa,1971).此類植物以前稱之為天麻或赤箭,據(Liu & Su,1978, Lin, 1987)之考證認為赤箭之一名使用較早,故依據日名改稱為八代赤箭.

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Figure. A. inflorescence, habit B. inflorescence, upper part, showing spathe and spadix C. inflorescence, dissected to show the lower part of the spadix D. spathe E. inflorescence, dissected to show the middle part of the spadix

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CALANTHE R. Brown Robert Brown established this genus in the Botanical Register in 1821. The generic name refers to the beautiful flowers. The type species for this lovely genus terrestrial orchids is Calanthe triplicata (Willem) Ames. Calanthes are found throughout South Africa, Madagascar, all of tropical Asia, Australia, the Pacific Island, Tahiti and one member in Central America. There are aproximately 150 species in the genus of which 19 have been recorded from Taiwan.

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