CALANTHE R. Brown Robert Brown established this genus in the Botanical Register in 1821. The generic name refers to the beautiful flowers. The type species for this lovely genus terrestrial orchids is Calanthe triplicata (Willem) Ames. Calanthes are found throughout South Africa, Madagascar, all of tropical Asia, Australia, the Pacific Island, Tahiti and one member in Central America. There are aproximately 150 species in the genus of which 19 have been recorded from Taiwan.

Key to the species
1a.Ovary nearly glabrous, with prominent sharp ridges; spur 12-16 mm long, straight or bent forward at apex......C. arisanensis

1b.Ovary puberulent; with low obtuse ridges; spur 20-32 mm long, straight and pointing upward from pendulous flower......C. aristulifera


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